The most widely held beliefs about human health are limited to objective physical characteristics. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood to old age. Unfortunately, innumerable people experience mental health issues; however they are unaware of that. Most of these persons can enjoy enhanced life quality with professional support from mental health services.
We are motivated by our dedication to provide mental health support through individual education and outreach activities; it may increase understanding of the mental health continuum, lower stigma associated with mental illness, encourage help seeking behaviors and emotional wellbeing practices and prevent suicide.
Counseling in adults: we assist and guide our clients to resolve especially personal, social, occupational and psychological problems.
The focus of counselling is on the numerous mental health problems and difficulties people encounter throughout their lives as well as systemic problems (including prejudice and discrimination) that people encounter in groups, workplaces, organisations, institutions, and communities. To prevent and treat emotional, relational, physical/health-related, social, cultural, occupational, and educational problems, they employ strengths-based ideas and practises. Through counselling, the client will be able to view things more clearly and potentially from a different perspective. With the intention of supporting good changes, this may allow the client to concentrate on their feelings, experiences, or behaviours.
If there is a learning obstacle, intervention must be methodical. Remedial treatment is one of these strategies, and it is used to solve academic problems. Children who struggle with reading, writing, and math can get help through remedial education. An individual whose performance fell short of expectations in a particular area was intended to benefit from this intervention in order to help them resume normal or greater levels of functioning. A child with ordinary or above average intelligence who struggles in particular academic subjects receives therapy. Remedial programmes are created to address the specific areas of concern and to guarantee the child can succeed in school.The therapist develops a special treatment plan just for each child getting remedial therapy. Here, we work on math (basic and advanced), information processing (perception and memory), reading skills (reading and understanding information), writing abilities (spelling, handwriting, writing expression), and study skills.
Behavioural issues refer to children who exhibit troublesome behaviours that are out of character for their age. Some problems are minor and can be resolved quickly, but some major ones call for continual care. Behaviour modification is a psychotherapy strategy that is mostly employed to stop or lessen inappropriate behaviour in both children and adults. It is possible to gauge and assess the intervention's progress and results. Maladaptive habits could be changed with acceptable desirable behaviours by using behavior-appropriate behaviour modification strategies.
After the proper psychological assesment and diagnosis of the client, we provide appropriate psychotherapies like cognitive behavior therapy, rational emotive behavior therapy, Dialectical behavior therapy, behavior therapy, motivation enhancement therapy and various other skill training.
We are available to assist you and your child with different psychological problems. We provide top- notch evaluation, diagnosis and treatment services. We only use procedures that have been studied and proven effevtive. We carry out psychotherapeutic approaches and behavior modification techniques particularly designed for your child and family.